piątek, 25 lipca 2008

Spoiler odcinka 2.06. Serving Two Masters


Woman in labor, it’s day two, night. Rudy (who isn’t a side) is standing there with her. She’s wearing a gown, and in the stir-ups. Cathy (not a side, Addison or Naomi) goes to check her contractions. Finds her fully dilated. Amy tells Cathy that Daniel (not a side) wanted to call Dr.Foxman (not a side, but it‘s just a reference anyhow). Amy has grabbed Rudy’s hand. Cathy watches as she grabs Rudy’s hand. Amy smiles at Rudy. Amy says to Rudy, were going to have a baby. Rudy kisses her, and says “we’re going to have a baby”. Cathy watches the loving moment between the couple. Cathy tells Amy to push.

Day 3 Hospital- Cathy waits for Amy to come out of the nursery. Tells her that she is glad she is doing well, and that her daughter is beautiful. Amy asks Cathy how is Wendy (not a side). Cathy is stunned . Amy says she saw Cathy with Wendy the day before. Cathy asks “you know about her” to Amy. Amy says she’s been married for 12 years to Rudy, and he doesn’t hide things to well. Cathy asks how she can stay with him. She claims he’s a good husband and father. Cathy doesn’t understand, he betrayed her. Tells her she’s not trying to judge, but asks if she is sure that is what she wants. Amy says it’s not that she wants Rudy to be with Wendy, but claims that he could have left her when he started a relationship with Wendy and he didn’t. Says his loyalty to her and the kids has never wavered. Cathy asks if that is enough. Amy says I don’t know but it’s something.

Officer Davis

Exterior on the street- So Wendy (not a side) is sitting in her car watching Jim (not a side) intently. From Wendy’s POV Jim is sitting with a woman in a car. Wendy is on the phone with Sandy (not a side). Sandy asks why she is following him. Wendy tells her she did what any girlfriend would do with a reasonable suspicion, stalk him out from a distance. Sandy tells Wendy that she needs to get back here. Then there is a tapping on her car window, it’s Officer Davis. Wendy rolls her window down, Officer Davis tells her she has to move her car. She says she has to stay there, that it’s urgent , that she is a lawyer. He asks where is the emergency? Wendy (now says Cathy in the side) says well there isn’t one now, but if one comes up I’m available. Officer Davis not amused asks her to move her car. Out of the corner of her eye she sees the woman (that was talking to Jim) break down into tears. (it goes back to Wendy’s name) Wendy calls him a bastard. Officer Davis tells her to step out of the car. Wendy says to him that she didn’t mean him, he says again for her to get out. He takes out handcuffs, she says “handcuffs are you serious”. His response is obstruction of justice is a crime. Wendy claims she is not an obstruction , that this is completely unnecessary. Officer Davis tells her to take it up with the judge. Jim (not a side) walks up and says Wendy. He stares at her confused. Wendy says oh hey Jim. Jim asks what she is doing there, officer Davis interrupts with she was eye balling your car. Jim asks her if she was following him. Officer Davis asks Jim what he wants him to do with her, Jim says lock her up. Wendy is shocked.


30’s sits across from Violet. Melanie (struggling) says to Violet this is difficult, sharing all her feelings. Violet tells her she is doing a great job. Side says “A Sound, Melanie is startled” Violet tells her she’s sorry, let’s continue. Melanie starts again, and there is another loud sound. Melanie then tells Violet she can do this.


Heavy set gruff contraction worker. Helen and Steven walk into a construction area (Violet or Naomi and Sam or Cooper). The pass a sign that says Construction Area do not enter. Sam/Cooper says are we even allowed in here. Violet/Naomi say it’s a free world to Steven (Sam/cooper) . Stan walks up to them asking if he can help them. V/N tell him they were in the neighborhood, they thought they’d drop by to say hello and look around. Stan tells them they have to be a construction worker to be there, V/N say to him that’s not very nice of you. Stan tells them it’s for their protection, that if the stepped on a board or a nail or something that the lawyer will be all over his ass. V/N say that they have talked to his lawyer, that he was pretty tight lipped, and that they came to get their own answers. She takes a step forward, Stan stops her saying that unless she is going to pick up a hammer, she’s not getting in.


Henry is in her side, he doesn’t have his own. The doctors are Sam and Naomi. Henry and Frances are there to see Sam, she has Alzheimer’s, Henry tells Sam, that Frances won’t remember him. That she doesn’t remember many people anymore. Naomi walks in. Says to Henry, I heard you were coming, he says ahh the other Dr Wilson (being Sam Naomi) Henry and Naomi hug, and Frances then looks up and recognizes Naomi. She asks what Naomi is doing there, that they haven’t seen each other since last fall when they played bridge. Naomi tells her that’s right., surprised that she remembered. Henry tells her that Helen (what Frances is calling Naomi) was an old friend that passed away. Naomi nods that she understands. Henry tells Frances she needs her pills, that it’s time for them. She doesn’t want them, Naomi tells her she’s right she doesn’t need them, but to just take them to humor Henry. She does, Henry nods grateful that Naomi helped. Henry tells Sam that Frances doesn’t respond to many people, says that she has a magic touch his wife. (There’s an awkward moment between Sam/Naomi). John takes Henry for his checkup. Naomi says with Frances.Next scene is them all at the hospital. Frances fell in the shower. Sam says everything looks fines after he reads her chart. Frances wants to go home, Naomi tells her soon. Henry apparently has a scratch are his arm, that Sam takes care of. While he’s doing that Naomi finds something on Frances chart. Tells Sam to take a look. Sam says I know it’s NPH.
Sounds like things get bad for Frances, because then Beth (not a side) tells Frances that her husbands love is unconditional, and unwavering. That he has sacrificed everything for her. But he needs her help right now, that she has to do this for him. Frances doesn’t respond, it’s heartbreaking as Henry turns to Beth, they prepare to give up. William (not a side) tells Henry they did everything they could, that he is sorry. HE says he understands, and at the moment Frances calls out his name. She doesn’t know where she is at, he tells her she’s at a hospital but she’s there now and fine (guess she remembers who she is) Henry calls her beautiful, and that he has so much to tell her. Frances wants to hear it all, then tells him he looks tired. Tells him he needs to take better care of himself, that promise her he will. Frances just answered his question, and he takes a moment and then tells her he will. That he promises.

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