piątek, 18 lipca 2008

Odcinek Premierowy 2 Sezonu + spoilery

"A Family Thing" będzie premierowym odcinkiem drugiego sezonu serialu Private Practice. Episod zostanie wyemitowany 1 października w Stanach Zjednoczonych w stacji ABC. Od tego sezonu tytuły odcinków nie będą rozpoczynaly się od "W którym..." (ang. "In Which...").

Promo sezonu 2

Poniżej spoilery:

2.01. A Family Thing (1 październik)

A doctor takes care of pregnant 30-year-old Molly and her husband Eric. The couple underwent fertility treatments in order to get pregnant are in for their first ultrasound. Molly decided her baby was a boy even if it's too early to tell. According to the doctor, the baby appears normal but Molly feels something is wrong. Later, Molly comes back saying that Eric keeps telling her that the baby is too big, that she eats too much, etc. According to Eric, he did nothing wrong and tells the doctors that Molly used to take pills for anxiety. Another doctor helps 14-year-old Dean who is ready to have sex and who is having problems communicating with his parents.

Source: SpoilerFix

2.02. Equal & Opposite (8 październik)


Frank- Pete’s patient, Frank is a firefighter. Frank's wife had passed away (no mention of how long ago). Frank starting seeing Pete. Pete did acupuncture, and gave him herbs and exercises that would help Frank get through when he was having trouble with the loss of his wife. So apparently all those things were working until lately. Now they aren’t and Frank is doing something else to get through the thinking about his wife. Pete looks at him and ask good what are you doing thing. Frank unbuttons his shirt (it reveals a gash on his abdomen). Frank tells him this is what he’s been doing to get through it. That he needs Pete to help him.
Later Pete has Frank hooked up to some biofeedback machine. Frank starts talking about how if the guys at the station find out, it will be the end of him there. Pete tells him to relax and focus on fishing (while the procedure is going on) HE starts to think about fishing, but it’s not helping and the Pete’s monitor is showing it. Pete looks concerned. Pete asks how this all started, Frank said he was in the firehouse kitchen one day and he started to cry (thinking about his wife) he couldn’t stop and he could not let the guys see him like that. So he cut himself. Frank says, it’s not like I’m consciously doing it, I just realize that I feel better when I’ve done it. While he’s talking about cutting himself to stop the thoughts, the biofeedmachine reflects it as well. Pete turns it off. So Frank tells Pete, if the guys at the station find out he’ll lose all creditability, that they won’t listen to him. Pete tells him that the cutting himself may not be depression but something more deeper, that he needs to see a therapist. Frank says no, that he can’t just tell anyone about it. He wants Pete to help him, he trusts him only.

Pete and Frank have two other scenes, One at the station with a guy name Jerry, Pete tells Frank that he knows a good therapist and that he should get help, Jerry overhears the conversation and tells Frank, he doesn’t care what is wrong, just wants him to get help. He said he would talk to the other guys, just for Frank to get help.

The other one is at a hospital. Frank is burned arms, face, hands. He only wanted Pete to look at him (because of the cuts) he’s having trouble breathing, but has a worry to his face. This side is for the ER Nurse, she just tells Pete what is wrong with him. I’m not sure where this scene lies in the episode.

Greg is the husband of a patient Addison just did surgery on. Addison comes out of surgery and tells Greg that his wife is safe and the baby should be just fine. Greg (not happy) tells Addison when she came out surgery earlier she said they were both fine then. She tells him his wife developed a (medical-nothing is said about what the problem is) that she had to go back in. Greg says to her, it’s not because you ran out to some other surgery is it? Addison tells him no, that it wasn’t because of that. Greg asks her “what about now, how do I know it’s fine now” Addison looks at him. Greg then asks her what is wife’s name is. Addison doesn’t understand why he’s asking, Greg goes on about how Addison is calling his wife “she”, “your wife”, that Addison talks as if she knows his wife. Addison answers that she doesn’t know her name. Greg tells Addison that this is the third time they have been pregnant, that they lost two babies before. His wife has keeps redecorating the nursery, it’s red this time because her students tell her it’s good luck. He then tells her she operated twice on his wife today, and that she should know her name. He walks away leavers Addison standing there.

The other scene connected to this is a nurse with Addison, she’s in surgery with Greg's wife and baby there are complications. She’s trying not to kill her, she’s bleeding out. Addison is struggling with not losing them both.

Janet- Coopers patient. Janet is a single mother in her 30’s. She has a 6 month old son Miles. She is telling Cooper that there is something wrong with her son, that he should be crawling by now. Cooper is a little taken back by why she’s is insisting that he should be crawling by now. He tells her that everyone develops differently and not to worry. She says all I do it worry, maybe there is something more serious. Coopers says she should give it more time. She says not he needs to fix her son. Later Cooper tells her that there is nothing wrong with Miles and they he will crawl when he is ready. She looks disappointed. Cooper looks at her because she doesn’t seem happy that he’s alright. She says to Cooper you probably think I’m awful for not being happy. Cooper tells her he’s fine, and he’ll crawl, children just develop at different times. Cooper tells her he was short, and kids picked on him during PE, that his Best Friend didn’t write till he was 3, and now he’s a CEO of a fortune 500 company. Janet says if he grows up to be weird people will pick on him. Cooper says or maybe he’ll be a bully and pick on everyone. Janet smiles at Cooper.

Linda-Violet patient. She in her 40’s tired, and fragile. She can’t sleep, wants Violet to give her sleeping pills, Violet wants to find to why she can’t sleep. She thinks her son is dealing drugs, she’s concerned. She’s worried he’ll start taking them soon too. Violet wants to help, she wants to talk to her son (his name is Jesse). Linda says no, that she just wants the pills so she can sleep and night and not worry. Linda knows he is getting in trouble she’s found stuff in the garage, stuff he’s using to make and sell the drugs. Violet pushes her to talk, finally she says his father passed away and ever since he’s changed. He’s gone a lot, misses school sometimes.

Later Violet goes to talk to Jesse, to find out what’s wrong with him. They yell back and forth at each other. Violet tells him his mother is going to call the cops on him soon. Jesse yells at her that she doesn’t understand what is going on. He’s not cooking the drugs, and tells her that his friend is, and the friend is paying him a lot of money to do it at his house. Jesse says has to be the man of the family, he knows is mother can’t afford to pay for all the bills, then he cries telling Violet that when his dad left, he left him in charge, the man of the house.

Source: LoveThursdays from TWOP

2.04. Past Tense

Idrees-Sharbats husband, in his fourties. He talks to Naomi, says he was told she is the top doctor there is for ladies according to Sharbat, and wants Naomi to give Sharbat the best exam she gives her best patients.

Sharbat/AminaNaomi’s patient-(Doesn’t specify how old this person is.) She is a married woman, there with her mother (Amina). There was something wrong with her, and it ends up that she has herpes. She is married to a very traditional man, who brought Amina and her from their country. She cheated on her husband. Naomi tells her there is no cure, just prescriptions to maintain it. Sharbat is upset that this can’t be cured, she tells Naomi she doesn’t understand the world her husband brought her from. Amina (the mother is upset) tells Naomi that the husband can’t know or he will divorce Sharbat. They have nothing here. That if they have to go back to their country, that Sharbat would be hounded and ostracized according to Islamic law.

Next day Sharbat and Naomi talk, apparently there is something else wrong with her (it’s listed as medical). Naomi could tell she was still having sex with someone, although she said she ended it with the man she was cheating with a while ago. Sharbat tells Naomi she couldn’t end it, that she loves the other man. Naomi realizes it was an arranged marriage at this point. Sharbat only married her husband for a better life but, is in love with the other guy. Amina was also in an arranged marriage to Sharbat’s father and she was never happy. Sharbat didn’t want to not be happy.

Nicole-Cooper’s patient, she’s in her thirties, and has a six year old son named Braden. Nicole comes to Cooper after she’s been to five other doctors. Braden has one hell of a black eye. Nicole has Cooper check Braden out, he won’t say who is hitting him. Everyday her child gets pummeled, and everyday her child just withdraws further into his own little world. Cooper takes him to a room, and tries to get him to acknowledge him. He gives him a toy truck to play with. Nicole has tried getting the school to help out, and it’s not working. Cooper says he was doing fine in school until 4 months ago. Cooper realizes that Nicole is troubled by what’s happening to her son. Cooper again tries to get Braden to play with him and the truck and Braden won’t talk to Cooper. Nicole is trying to figure out how she knows Cooper, she asks was it from the gym, Cooper says he hasn’t been since he joined. Then she asks what about the grocery store. He notices she is looking desperate to try and place where she knows him from. Cooper keeps examining him, and checks his eyes with a light. Braden is playing with truck and drops a piece of it to the floor, Cooper and he go to get it together, and that’s when Cooper and Braden really connect with their eyes. It stops Cooper.

He goes to Nicole tells her, he made eye contact with him, but Braden won’t talk. Tells her maybe if she went home, and Braden talked to his father. Apparently Nicole bitches at Cooper that the father is never home, and to stop acting like he cares. Nicole gets upset and leaves. Cooper later goes to her apartment. She doesn’t let him in and starts to close the door. Cooper stops her and tells her he’s a good doctor and she didn’t give him a chance in the office. He says, he’s not like other doctors. Cooper then tells her there isn’t bullies, that Braden is hurting himself. He asks her to let him in to explain. She does.

Another scene has Braden and Nicole back at the office where Braden calls out to Cooper and thanks him for the truck.

Judy- late 20’s dressed causally , girl next door like) Violet is in the scene with her, I think. Judy is looking to give up her 4 year old son up for adoption. Holly/Walker are the couple (in their 30’s a professional couple). Holly and Walker are in a conference room talking to Max (no side for him). Violet comes out to talk to Judy, while she is waiting outside the room. It’s been taking awhile, Judy realizes it’s a big decision considering he is 4 years old. Judy asks Violet what the couple is like. She tells her that they are lawyers and very nice. She laughs seeing as she barely finished high school. Violet tells Judy they are just making sure that Max likes them as much as they like him. Judy just wants a good life for her son, that she couldn’t give him. He deserves better she tells Violet. She tells Violet that she doesn’t want to screw it up for Max, when they want to talk to her. Later she goes in and talks to Holly and Walker with Violet by her side. She tells them about Max and how she wants a good life for him. She tells them she is going to UCLA and that maybe one day things will be better for her, but that’s a long way off. She tells the couple she is going to miss Max, she just wants to make sure this is the right thing to do.

Later on Judy cries, and tells Violet how can she do this to her son. She tells her she may not have money but she has enough love for the both of them. She feels bad about Holly/Walker that they spent all that time with Max. Holly/Walker talk to Judy, and they were honored to meet them, they understood and told her they would just have to start looking for another child again.

There is a receptionist side, that shows at a lawyers office. Looks like Violet just shows up there to wait for Judy

2.05. Let It Go

Jenna/Nick- Addison and Pete’s case. The side claims they are 17, they are married. Jenna is in the office with Addison. She is retrieving her eggs. Jenna’s parents are there, Lynn and Garry (both have sides, but it's all the same lines on Jenna's). Nick is at football practice and is on his way. While the procedure is going on, Pete is helping her through the pain with the way that they practice. He distracts her by asking about Nick and her wedding. They talk about the wedding details. Addison asks for pictures, Jenna says that they are on facebook. Then they talk about how her puppy was the ring bearer (ok this is weirder as it goes, sorry). Jenna says it was the best day of her life, well until now. Nick arrives just after the eggs are retrieved, he’s nervous. Jenna is excited and telling him how it all went.

Later Addison, Lynn and Garry are standing outside the donation room that Nick is in. Jenna is pleading with Nick to come out, that she really wants this baby. Nick is freaked out, says that they have barely had sex, and that a baby should come from having sex. Jenna is embarrassed seeing her parents are there, her father says oh it’s alright. Seems like Naomi comes around the corner and looks weird at Addison. Addison claims that this happens all the time with stress in fertility issues. Pete comes to the rescue with a key to go into the room. Nick emerges before he goes in. Jenna asks what his problem is, that he wanted this. Nick says that she wanted it, they (her parents) wanted it. Then he points to Naomi, and Jenna says fine, I’ll do it by myself. She whines how it’s not fair. Later she looks at donor books, She finds one when Naomi enters the room, she wants to do it right away. Addison tells her she can’t do it, Jenna tells her that she can’t say no. Addison explains that, that is the problem. Everyone in that room can’t tell her no. Because they want to give her everything. Jenna claims she doesn’t want everything just the baby. Addison goes into a speech saying , when we spend all this time talking about the baby, we get to forget, We get to take back control of this big ugly thing we can’t control. That sometime in the next year or two we are going to have to let go. That having a baby isn’t going to change what’s happening. And the more you hold on to that, the less you’re really going to be able to really live your life, with the people that love you.

Meanwhile Pete goes off to find Nick, he finds him at Santa Monica pier. He’s taking out his aggression on a video game. He is in no mood for a lecture. Pete tells him Jenna still wants to have a child, and is looking for a donor to have one. Nick doesn’t care, tells him let her go ahead. Pete asks “it’s not what you want too” Nick says none of this is what he wants, I just want her to be happy….I just want us to be happy, not with a baby, just them. Pete tells him to tell her that, and to let go of what he thinks she wants to hear and to tell her the truth.

Nick and Pete show back up, as Addison finishes her speech, Nick tells her he doesn’t want a baby, just her, she says she wants him too. Addison and Pete watch as the family sobs letting go, and Nick and Jenna make out like teenagers (the side says).

40 something, is running for Congress. This I believe is Violet’s friend. They haven't seen each other for a long time. Violet asks her that Assistant DA wasn’t enough that she had to run for Congress now, calls her a show-off. Kara tells her she has a bus, Posters, handlers and men who say yes to her, men who say yes to everything. Violet laughs and says every woman’s dream, they hug again happy to see each other. Violet looks at her, she can tell something else is wrong. Kara claims the campaign is going well, that the other side is trying to bring her down. That they are calling her old professors, ex-boyfriend. She asks Violet have they called her, Violet says even if they did, you’re safe the whole freshmen fifteen and all. Violet then tells her that if she needs to talk she is there, that she can recommend a doctor or someone. Kara says that’s why I called you here, I need someone to hide my astrocytoma (brain tumor).

Kara shows up to Violet’s office, tells her she could use her on her campaign, consult for her health care policy for affordable coverage including mental health. Violet tells her she has heard her speech, and tells her she should hide her condition. Kara claims she isn’t hiding. Violet tells her she is taking off the friend hat, and putting on her doctor hat. Tells her she has a chance to do good and go public with what happened to her. Kara can’t, Violet says to tell voters that what she has is nothing to be ashamed of. Kara says voters won’t understand. Violet says it’s not about the voters, it’s not about Kara the Congressional Candidate. It’s about Kara from Encino. Tells her when they met and Kara’s mother died, she didn’t talk about it, she hid it. That it almost did her in. Kara claims it’s different, Violet tells her it’s not. Violet wants to help and Kara says she has enough people to help her. Kara says that all the people that are there to help aren’t her friends, that she called Violet to be her friend, that she didn’t come to her for her to be a doctor. It bothers Violet that she says that.
Violet goes to her headquarters later, they are still facing off on her not telling anyone. She says it’s terrible that it happened. Kara tells her she has been to therapy, she was depressed, and that’s why she needs Violet to help her hide it. Hiding it won’t change her condition Violet tells her. She gets mad saying why should I tell everyone, when even her friend is judging her. This pisses Violet off.

There is another side for a Clerk. Violet shows up to the hospital at the records department. She asks the clerk for Kara’s file. She is waiting while the clerk gets the file. Cooper ( I believe shows up). He asks her what she is doing there. Violet asks him what he is doing there. Cooper says, you’re doing it aren’t you.. Violet tells him a friend needs help, I’d do it for you. Cooper answers her as he would never ask her to do that. The clerk comes back with the file and asks for Violet’s ID. She searches her purse for it, and gives him her ID. The Clerk asks for a hospital ID. Cooper says look at me, tell me you want to do this. The clerk tells her she can’t have it without the right ID. Around the corner comes a voice saying that she will vouch for her. It’s Charlotte. Cooper and Violet both look at her stunned. Violet is surprised at the gesture.
Then the end scene with Kara- Violet tells her she is not judging her for what she did, that she lied to her. That she put her job on the line for her, but that she didn’t have the guts to tell her why she was doing it. That she can’t make it disappear even if she hides the record. Kara responds that she is a District Attorney that part is easy. Kara reaches across the desk and takes the file from her. Violet doesn’t stop her. Violet tells her it’s the wrong way to start doing the right things. Kara starts to shred the papers in the file. Claims she is letting her past go, Violet walks out.

2.06. Serving Two Masters

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