piątek, 19 grudnia 2008

Wesołych Świąt i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!

Każdego dnia, nie tylko od święta,
niech każdy pamięta, że mikołajem
może być każdy z nas.
Dla wszystkich zielonej choinki,
pysznej, pachnącej szynki,
masę prezentów, szczęścia moc,
niech dla wszystkich będzie
wystrzałowa noworoczna,
sylwestrowa noc.

życzą Administratorzy

"Worlds Apart" Sezon 2, Odcinek 10

" Z innej bajki"

Dziewczyna Pete'a - Meg, wraca do Los Angeles i zauważa, że Pete i Violet są sobie bliżsi. Kevin ma wątpliwości czy on i Addison nadal są parą. Cooper leczy młodego diabetyka z tajemniczą przeszłością. Charlotte i jej zespół lekarzy Pacific Wellcare kontynuują biznes daleko odbiegający od Oceanside Wellness.

czwartek, 11 grudnia 2008

Przewidywane daty emisji odcinków

2.10 Worlds Apart 17/12/08

2.11 Contamination 08/01/09

2.12 Ties That Bind 15/01/09

2.13 Nothing To Fear 22/01/09

2.14 Second Chances 29/01/09

2.15 Acceptance 05/02/09

2.16 [bez nazwy] 12/02/09

2.17 Wait and See 19/02/09

"Know When To Fold" Sezon 2, Odcinek 9

Data emisji: 10/12/2008

"Wiedzieć kiedy się zwinąć"

Konkurencyjna praktyka Charlotte, Pacific Wellcare, zostaje otwarta i zaczyna się konkurencja z Oceanside Wellness, ponieważ Sam i Pete wykradają jednego z ich klientów. Ulubiony pacjent Addison idzie do Pacific Wellcare po drugą opinię, a Dell proponuję adopcyjny program pomiędzy firmami.

by Clever

czwartek, 4 grudnia 2008

"Crime and Punishment" Sezon 2, Odcinek 8

"Zbrodnia i kara"

Addison i Charlotte pracują razem by uratować życie ciężarnej kobiecie w śpiączce i jej nienarodzonemu dziecku. Dziewczyna Pete'a, Meg, pokłóciła się z członkami personelu "Praktyki", ponieważ zaczęła przyjmować pacjentów w celu dokonania aborcji. Violet szuka wskazówki dla Kevin'a w sprawie pacjenta oskarżonego o zabójstwo swojej żony.

by dark_angel

niedziela, 30 listopada 2008

"Tempting Faith" Sezon 2, Odcinek 7

„Kusząca wiara”

Addison niespodziewanie odwiedza brat i chirurg, Archer, lecz jego przybycie nie jest dla niej jedynym problemem. Naomi i Sam zmierzają w dobrym kierunku ze swoim związkiem. Tymczasem Meg powraca do Pete’a, a pacjent oskarża obojga - Violet i Della – o złe intencje.

by Clever

czwartek, 20 listopada 2008

Serving Two Masters Sezon 2, Odcinek 6

„Usługując dwóm paniom”

Addison bada dwie ciężarne kobiety, które nieświadomie mają tego samego męża. Wizyta chorej na Alzheimera kobiety (Frances) i jej kochajcego męża (Henry’iego) zmusza Sama I Naomi nad zastanowieniem się nad ich właśnm związkiem. Między Violet i Charlotte następuje konfrontacja w sprawie związku Charlotte I Coopera. Dell zaskakuje swoich współpracowników przyprowadzając do pracy kobietę, która ma bardzo duże znaczenie w jego życiu.

by Clever

środa, 12 listopada 2008

Paul Adelstein jako dr Cooper Freedman

Paul Adelstein (ur. 29 kwietnia 1969 roku w Chicago, w stanie Illinois) - amerykański aktor telewizyjny i filmowy. Najbardziej znany jest z roli agenta Kellermana w serialu Skazany na śmierć.
Ukończył Bowdoin College w Brunswick, w stanie Maine, gdzie otrzymał licencjat angielstyki. Był wokalistą i gitarzystą grupy Doris. Pracował w New Crime Productions Johna Cusacka, Piven Theatre Workshop w Evanston, a następnie w Steppenwolf Theatre Company w Chicago.
Debiutował na kinowym ekranie w czarnej komedii Stephena Frearsa Naciągacze (The Grifters, 1990) u boku Anjelicy Huston, Johna Cusacka i Annette Bening.
Od maja 2006 roku spotykał się z Liza Weil, z którą w listopadzie 2006 roku wziął ślub.


2008: Little Fish, Strange Pond jako Philly
2008: Missing Person, The jako Drexler Hewitt
2007: Prywatna praktyka (Private Practice) jako Dr Cooper Freedman
2006: Nobody's Watching jako Pan Tucker
2005: Chirurdzy (Grey's Anatomy) jako Cooper (gościnnie)
2005: Wyznania gejszy (Memoirs of a Geisha) jako Porucznik Hutchins
2005: Skazany na śmierć (Prison Break) jako Agent Paul Kellerman
2005: Be Cool jako Hy Gordon
2004: Zakładnik (Collateral) jako Fed #3
2004: Lawrence Melm
2004: Bandwagon jako Joe Rice
2004: Look Inside 'Intolerable Cruelty', A jako on sam
2003: Okrucieństwo nie do przyjęcia (Intolerable Cruelty) jako Wrigley
2002: Breaking News jako Julian Kerbis
2002: R.U.S./H. jako Tom Epstein
2002-2004: Nocny kurs (Hack) jako Aldo Rossi (gościnnie)
2002: Bez śladu (Without a Trace) jako Dave (gościnnie)
2001: Hoży doktorzy (Scrubs) jako Dr Stone (gościnnie)
2000: Zakręcony (Bedazzled) jako Bob/Roberto
1998-1999: Cupid jako Mike
1997: Peoria Babylon jako Brad Kessler
1994-2009: Ostry dyżur (ER) jako Hank Loman (gościnnie)
1990: Naciągacze (Grifters, The) jako Marynarz - Młody Paul

czwartek, 6 listopada 2008

"Let It Go" Sezon 2, Odcinek 5

In the two weeks since being elected leader of the practice, Addison has established the figure needed to save the practice's financial health and has maintained a spicy bedroom romance with Kevin. Meanwhile, Pete wastes little time reigniting the flame with his 'Doctors Without Borders' love, Meg, despite her bothersome smoking addiction. Cooper and Charlotte plan to toss the condoms in favor of sex au naturel. First, however, they must get HIV tests and birth control-- so all they can do is fantasize for now. They're about to do so when Charlotte declares she has to get to a job interview. Naomi and Sam are discovered in bed by their teenage daughter Maya, who exclaims, "Are you two getting back together?!"-- and they allow her to believe that's the case. Addison calls a meeting to announce the dollar amount needed to keep the practice running. Before she is able to reveal her plan, the doctors nearly in unison-- pronounce it "Jenna's Day," and abruptly depart to celebrate to this elusive holiday. Apparently Jenna, a 17 year-old terminally ill girl who's a long-time patient of the wellness center, is arriving at Oceanside to have her eggs retrieved and fulfill her last wish: to become a parent. She arrives with her parents and teenage husband, and is greeted by all. Addison expresses her concerns with the upcoming procedure, but is politely reassured by Pete-- and not-so-politely-- by Naomi. When Addison has a chance encounter with Nick, Jenna's young husband, she learns the boy has plans for college but is a grateful ward of the family--a son-in-law who never thought twice about giving the family everything they wanted, not even when it meant becoming a father. Addison advises him to think about what he wants.

Cooper asks Dell to set up two blood-draw kits; Violet learns about his and Charlotte's plan for monogamy. She fails to congratulate him and instead goes off to meet her "new best friend." Violet meets old college friend Kara Wei, a Congressional candidate who asks Violet to retrieve and destroy medical records that reveal Wei received shock therapy. She doesn't want voters to know this about her past. Dell uncovers $142,000 in overdue accounts which Addison asks him to take responsibility for collecting, ordaining him "The Enforcer". In light of Maya's discovery and expectations, Sam and Naomi agree they must discuss their relationship. However, an impromptu conversation with Jenna leads Sam to contemplate all the "living" he feels he has yet to do. While Cooper and Charlotte take their blood tests, Charlotte remains elusive about her job interview. As Naomi injects Nick's sperm into the egg, a panicked Nick blurts out that he has changed his mind; in expressing his doubt, he reveals Addison's influence. The other doctors--all of whom have worked with Jenna for years and years--are clearly visibly annoyed that Addison stepped in. Despite the pleas of Jenna and her family, Naomi is unable to use the sperm without Nick's consent, and has to stop the procedure immediately.

Violet tries to convince Kara to embrace her past instead of destroying records of it. Angered at her resistance, Kara turns the tables and tells Violet to face her own past, exposing Violet's secret that she was raped. Though shaken, Violet continues to attempt to sway Kara to use her experience to affect change, but Kara gets annoyed and flustered by Violet's refusal to cooperate and storms out. In his attempt to take life by the horns, Sam gets his ear pierced. He presents Naomi with a list of all the things he wants to do in life, which prompts her to ask if this is a mid-life crisis... or if it is the one year anniversary of their being apart. Weary of being the new bill collector, Dell drops a bombshell on Addison: The building they own has an empty floor that Sam and Naomi have refused to lease. Addison confronts Naomi and Sam, who reveal that the space is part of their vision for a complete medical sanctuary. When Addison argues the logic of sitting on prospective income, Naomi accuses her of destroying dreams first Jenna's and now theirs. Addison soberly states, "Soon, I'm going to stop caring whether you forgive me or not." Pete continues to lay into Meg about her smoking habit. Charlotte and Cooper lie in wait for HIV results, unable to fulfill their latest sexual fantasy; Addison turns to Kevin, who advises her she has to decide if she wants to be a good friend or good leader; and an overexcited Maya presses Naomi and Sam for the details of their reunion as a couple.

Cooper advises Violet not to bend to Kara's unethical request, but Violet-- who feels she is losing Cooper to monogamy and really needs a friend--decides she must do whatever it takes to salvage her friendship with Kara. Jenna and her parents tell the doctors about their new plan to use a sperm donor. The doctors deliberate over the ethics of the new wish. Violet looks at Kara's file and is utterly taken aback: Kara lied to Violet about the contents of her file and why she wanted it shredded. The truth is that the file includes details on how, in an act of defense, Kara killed her physically abusive mother. Violet gives Kara the file in hopes that she'll choose to hold onto the person she is rather than the person that she hopes to be. Convinced the voters could never understand her act of self defense, Kara ignores Violet's urgings and promptly shreds the file. Jenna announces that she found the sperm donor she wants, but Naomi says she won't do it, and asks Jenna to reconsider, explaining that the more time they focus on the baby-- the less time she has to spend with the people who love her right now. Nick tells her that he doesn't want a baby, but he does want her.

As Naomi tends to the earlobe infection Sam incurred after his piercing, he tells her he wants to move in. Naomi says she feels they hold onto each other because it is all they know. She tells him they have to let go and say goodbye. Violet seeks comfort from Cooper. When Dell walks in with the long-awaited results of the blood test, Cooper puts them aside. He'll look at them later, and be there for Violet now. "Right now," he says to Dell, "I think my best friend needs me." Naomi gives Addison the AOK to lease the fourth floor, and Addison tells her she already did. Naomi tells her she'll be a good leader. Meg packs for Ghana and Pete regrets annoying her about smoking, but reveals his reasons: his wife died from smoking. He asks her to return. She says she will. With the 'all clear' on the blood tests, Cooper excitedly awaits Charlotte, who is coming from her new job, her new office....on the fourth floor Oceanside Wellness Center! Naomi apologizes to Maya for getting her hopes up. She holds her daughter and gently promises her, "We're going to be okay."

piątek, 31 października 2008

Wyniki ankiety: Ulubiona postać

1. dr Addison Montgomery 77 (52%)
2. dr Cooper Freedman 23 (15%)
3. dr Violet Turner 20 (13%)
4. dr Pete Wilder 15 (10%)
5. dr Charlotte King 7 (4%)
6. dr Sam Bennett 3 (2%)
7. dr Naomi Bennett 1 (0%)
7. Dell Parker 1 (0%)

Liczba głosów: 147